Wednesday, December 21, 2011

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Review: Low Level Laser Therapy by a Chiropractor

For more information: Low level laser therapy is made available to the public to do at home via the laser book "Rejuvenation" by Dr. Lawrence DelRe. LLLT is becoming more and more popular around the world, and low intensity laser therapy is safe to use, with precautions. More specific information about the book Rejuvenation can be found at - if you are interested in other current subjects regarding a chiropractor and a laser book, and his take on many things, please visit - and you will find yourself absorbed in talk of LLLT research, and other topics. For more about Dr. DelRe's practice, please visit http - you will find much chiropractic information there.

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Introduction to AFC - Chiropractic casework in Virden (near Springfield, IL) An introductory video to the services (including a quit smoking program, auriculotherapy, acupuncture and cold laser therapy) offered by Dr. Todd W. Austin at Austin Family Chiropractic (aka AFC) in Virden, IL. AFC is located just 23 min. south of Springfield on IL Route 4.

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Acupuncture Cold Laser. Single Red Diode

!±8± Acupuncture Cold Laser. Single Red Diode

Brand : Vetrolaser | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Nov 12, 2011 02:09:09 | N/A

Single Red Diode Cold Laser, 650nm/5mW. Animal use only. Uses two AA batteries which are included. Does NOT come with safety glasses. Great for acupuncture points and spot treatment. Two great bonuses. You get Dr. Daniel kamen, D.C.'s Horse and Dog chiropractic technique DVD's with your order. Bought separately these DVD's would cost 8.00. But you get both FREE with your single red diode laser order.Horse and Dog chiropractic technique clips.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

How to work with your Scar Tissue Get Rid of It!

!±8± How to work with your Scar Tissue Get Rid of It!

First of all, I congratulate you that you try to do your healing! So many people go to their MD / DO therapist / physical / chiropractor / massage therapist, etc. and expect the person to be able to heal completely. I often tell my clients that chronic diseases (health issues and takes a long time) are that, even if they are to massage three times a week, will not see the kind of improvements they want are willing to do their job haveto improve (is that stretching, massage, while their own, nutrition, ice / heat, etc.). so friendly Thank you for your willingness to do their healing!

While I have never had multiple surgeries on the same field, I had four surgeries in a period of six years (including a replacement ACL in my right knee), and I understand the pain, often accompanied by scar tissue.

I was lucky with my ACL injury where I had a surgeon, it was important that the knee moves, and believedStretching. When I (from surgery) came, my knee is already moving in a machine called a unit CPM (Continuous Passive Movement - provided by Colorado Professional Medical), which allows me the speed and degree of the angle, my Judgement has been postponed knee too much. And 'constantly moving up and down the leg, bending the knee at any time. When I got home, I started automatically from the CPM again, I had to go home and the postman had taught me how to use the firstfor surgery. I increased the speed and angle degrees every day and no more than CPM with the unit 1 week after surgery, because I go back to the full range of motion, which was the CPM units (120 degrees) to get permits . It 'been about 6 months after my knee surgery when I learned that some orthopedic surgeons to keep the knee Knee property to believe a month after the ACL surgery. I was surprised and disappointed to hear that, because the knee is held still for a long timeMore a person's attitude (and often difficult) recovery.

Scar tissue develops in the muscles all the time. If you can pull the muscles to a certain degree of scarring. The scar tissue can stretch and get rid of normal activity. However, if scar tissue develops severe (as often happens in a whiplash injury and surgery) can achieve much more, the tissue will be absorbed into the body. If you have not gotten rid of, the nerves can cause numbness in a, Decreased flexibility and, finally, the pain.

Many people think that the scar tissue will disappear after time, but usually not. This is an injury that will work with you to be as effective as possible needs to heal.

Healing, depending on who you talk about a complex process. Some people believe that prayer alone to heal, while others believe that only cure pills and Western medicine. Some have great success with acupuncture, othersChiropractic, and others with the diet. I think that healing is a combination of all these things.

What I offer here tips on how to massage the scar tissue, with the hope that you will be able to use it and effectively solve the scar tissue. I hope this works for you and hope you will give me the results. I hope to integrate what else can work for you, so you can help your healing. In addition, a point I make that massage is all hands-onthat describes not a hands-on media such as e-mail or Internet is a bit 'difficult, I will do my best, but if it's something you do not understand, write me.

There are two layers of scar tissue, which can be addressed through massage. One is the skin, and the other is the muscle layer. I first address the level of the skin, and then deal with the muscular level.

If the scar tissue develops, never the brain / nerve connections that need to know to pass to touch, to develop ordeveloping very weak. This is because the scar tissue is formed primarily to treat and protect, and to feel second. In other words, the tissue grows naturally a weak ability to notice and feel you have created. Since most people do not use or touch a part of the body, a sort of trauma, was (like the one that comes from an operation or an accident), the tissue does not receive any stimulation. This means that in many cases (after surgery or other trauma), thesecondary function of scar tissue, feeling, or almost never developed. Over time this leads to lack of sensation of touching a bottom surface (after all, why a person would be an area that had no sense of touch?). Touches not, and therefore receives less stimulation, in order to develop less nerve endings and connections, which means that the area has less sense, is less affected half, and the process continues until there is a dense mass of non-sensory tissues, the majority ofprobably scar tissue.

I have more scars on two of my fingers (from surgery). Sitting in class or somewhere where I only hear what's going on, I have a sharp pencil, paper clip, nail file, or even a needle (something with a small dot) to see what a I feel a certain point on the scar. I am very careful about what kind of feelings that I'm in the office, which I touch with. Do not pierce the skin, which would onlyinjuries as a result of an area of ​​healing, but I do test to see how I feel. I made this intervention as 8 years ago. Over time, the feelings are stronger and more specific in the scar tissue itself, and as the feeling again, the scar tissue was reduced (not gone) to come, and much less painful. Probably also helps that I am a massage therapist, and while working on a client, I use the feelings, to understand from my hands, when aMuscle is tight, or if it has knots, etc. I pay a lot of attention on the sensations of my fingers.

For the layer of skin on one knee, you want to work on the same scar. Avoid touching an object with a small dot in a series of specific points on and around the scar. Can you feel the sensation? Otherwise, start with a scar around the edge. Can you feel that feeling? Notice how it feels. Does make a difference if you press hard or easy? What happens ifmove a little '?

Set an intention that you feel at this particular time you are touching. This force, and focusing on them, your brain and body of the sensory information that should be at the center of the nerve receives. Exactly how to develop greater flexibility stretching the same muscles over a long period of time, work to develop the nerves on a daily basis through the use of different types of touch.Over time you will restore more feeling in the area, as it was before.

Turning to the deeper layers, it is important to know exactly how that scar tissue on the outer layers of the skin develops, develops in the muscle. Areas that can be done by direct massage, and those who use massage is much more difficult working muscle can be divided into two groups in terms of scar tissue. Most massage therapists have developed the ability to work at a deep levelwithin the muscle, not that massage therapists do not. For areas that are difficult to achieve, even when doing a massage, I suggest you get in a regular program of stretching and get regular massages. Most of the leisure / fitness centers offer yoga classes. If you do not offer a different kind of yoga or a stretching program, they wonder why they do not, and consider membership in one does.

Also, consider getting regular massage of the scar tissue for a while '. If you do not knowa good massage therapist, ask a friend who gets regular massage, or even on a CMT in the phonebook. You can find the criteria for the selection of a massage therapist here. You may need to take some time to research, but it will be worth it if you are a therapist with whom you feel comfortable and make an appointment. Massages can range from $ 20 USD upwards 300/hour range. The cost does not necessarily determine the quality of the massage, so I do not think you pay an arm anda leg to get a great massage. Let the therapist your wishes set out in terms of getting your scar tissue, and should be able to help.

Another thing to check (eg with a massage to an area trauma) is that the muscles around the area of ​​protection is an aggravation of the injury. In the case of a knee surgery, this would be the quadriceps, the hamstrings, calves, and all the muscles on the anterior (front) side of the leg. A therapist should knowThese muscles work, and you can rub it to lose it.

A layer of scar tissue in muscle that works for you, can cross fiber technique can be very effective. If your scar is right above the kneecap, probably have to raise the way of the knee and press it between your thumb and index finger to get it. However, when a significant amount of muscle (lower quad), you can use your finger on the muscular workand with cross-technology fibers of the muscle (or someone do it for you).


Start with a creamy lotion, or oil (I personally recommend Cream Lotus Touch, available from and use it on the area you want to work. also sold a couple of creams and gels that have been reported to contribute significantly to reducing the density and the total thickness of the scar tissue. Remember to massage the cream so that theHands or a tool to move more easily through the skin, so that when the skin absorbs everything you may need to reapply. You will then want to work on muscle fibers. In the case of muscles around the knee: are most of the muscle fibers go up and down, so you want to work on the leg. You can massage tools and / or implemented in order to get deep into the muscle and work on the muscle, or you can use your hands. A good hand position is folded in half andRing and the second knuckle (closest to the ankle of the hand, but not the entrance to the ankle joint in hand) on the middle and ring fingers to get into the quadriceps muscle / calves, during the second and pinky fingers extended, and slide over the leg. Move up and down the muscles, be sure to focus on areas where it is more like the bond of the fabric feels. You can stop with a gentle massage on the area to soothe it. This is an opportunity forCross-grain.

Whatever the position of the hand or instrument that is used with cross-shredding, remember that your goal to break the scar tissue from the muscle, and remember that this is not done overnight. Using cross-fibering, actually promoting what minor injuries in an area that healing in this area. You do not want to hurt once again brought to the point where there is more scar tissue created by your work on it. One way to know how much pressure generally wellthat is just uncomfortable and painful at the half. So it should be uncomfortable but not too painful. Unless the time is for healing, a good general indication that the scar tissue breaks longer (if you work on it every day), as well as being created for them. In other words, if you perform an operation two years ago, and could only just started yesterday with the scar tissue, large improvements take up to two years from yesterday.The cure should not take so long, but this should give you an idea of ​​how you should be patient.

In summary:

Working with the scar as often as you think.
And 'possible revision of the area, but not likely to have the scar tissue.

Use the heat to the blood in an area where cold to get blood from one area, however.
Generally you want to remove the blood from an area before working with scar tissue, so that just as well to work withthey (the cold numbing the nerves of the ice so that you can work with the scar tissue). You can then to the fabric, which is deeper in the muscle, using cross-grinding work, while it is cold. Would you like when you're done, you want to heat the area to bring blood and take away the toxins that are released and how to break the scar tissue area are open. (Too much time with the help of heat for the abundance of blood in an area that can cause swelling and a different kind of pain.In general, 20-30 minutes of heat is a safe bet.) You want to use moist heat, if possible (ie, a damp cloth in the microwave or something heated), favoring the more fluid you will use in the area and the muscle back to its natural state. (Do not let the fire burn so hot that it burns.)

Working with the scar tissue may initially injured.

The pain should diminish over time, but can not completely disappeared. Be prepared, but do not psyche yourself out. Thenot be better.

You can work

You can get good results only to work on the scar tissue itself. You will be more successful if you work on yourself because you're the only one who is with you 24 hours a day, so you can start working on all the time. But how does it feel better than a massage from someone else, you are given as you reach, can lead to good results from another job for you. So make sure(And they're willing to listen) that you communicate with them if you can be too much pain, or not enough pressure, etc. In addition, there are cases where there is no scar tissue (ie, back surgery can be. And 'this is the case, someone else to work with you, and a regular stretching program). Caveat: Be sure to say thank you to the person to help take care of you. They are much more likely to help again.

Nutrition is important.

You can eat wellgreat impact on how quickly the body to heal. In terms of scar tissue, nutrition plays an important role in the development of how quickly the body can be felt in one area and reduce the scar tissue. It needs vitamins and minerals to build tissue, creating chemicals and carry away toxins.

Be patient.

The human body is, what they can do, surprisingly, when given the time and resources necessary to do so. If you re-injure the area to do more than they can handle(Ie, bungee-jumping 2 weeks after surgery) should respond well to your body.

Be patient!

How to work with your Scar Tissue Get Rid of It!

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cold laser therapy to relieve pain, even to help Stop Smoking

!±8± Cold laser therapy to relieve pain, even to help Stop Smoking

Areas of cold laser therapy treatments are replacing the traditional acupuncture to quit smoking, hair regeneration, chronic pain, stretch marks and aging skin is one of the cold laser therapy treatment with low-level laser

Acupuncture has long been used in China is a way to help manage pain and promote healing. The disadvantage of these is the use of needles and punctures the skin. With the cold laser treatment may take up to two inches deep, without a series ofHole or cut, and can easily stimulate acupuncture points, or require the area of ​​healing. Laser therapy uses laser energy to try to increase blood flow to the damaged part of the body, the conversion of energy for a chemical effect.

Weight loss and smoking cessation are also some of the acupuncture points are stimulated, that those who want and need extra help or quitting smoking can help curb your appetite.

The cold laser therapy has been used to reverseStretch marks, anti-aging for the treatment of wrinkles and spots of contamination.

With any type of medical treatment you should consult your doctor about the best plan for you and your health in mind. Cold laser therapy treatments varies the amount of visits you need to realize what you are looking for.

If you are looking for something to do with your body, it is better for the safest way possible that you are trying to get the best results for themselves. The cold laser therapy is a safeWay to achieve these objectives. The only drawback with these treatments, repeat visits to this and have done according to the type of procedure you are. Stretch marks are usually between three and eight visits. If you have chronic pain, you return to your country. Ask your doctor for the exact amount of treatments needed. For the best cold laser equipment, visit our website for more information.

Cold laser therapy to relieve pain, even to help Stop Smoking

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